Monday, December 16, 2013


Positive Thoughts and Negative Thoughts
If we Think positive good things happen to us.So change your attitude if it is negative.This is what usually the leaders of positive mental attitude movement say.
It is true also.We may feel that whatever we think are right.Thoughts are not Ordinary things. Thoughts are things endowed with bodies,breath and wings.They are invisible in nature,but their action forceful.Thoughts can travel miles together.One has to understand the nature of thoughts and their effects.Unless we think,we cannot do a work good or bad.There is a saying think before you think.Before we write something we think and write Moreover one has to think and do.
Thoughts have direct relation with the mind. In fact the source of thought is  mind only.Thoughts are basically classified as 
1.Positive Thoughts and 
2.Negative Thoughts 
Before we understand the effects of thoughts let us know What are positive and negative thoughts.Basically,they have been discussed earlier.
We cannot decidedly say that we have always Positive thoughts.Even people like Mahatma Gandhi was telling that he would be getting bad thoughts and is trying to control them,Our efficiency lies in controlling bad thoughts.
Generally we can say all good thoughts are positive thoughts and all bad thoughts are negative thoughts.
Further the bad thoughts can be listed as below 
1.Jealous thoughts
2. In secured Thoughts 
3.Envying thoughts 
4.Poisonous thoughts
5.Confused Thoughts
6.Sexual thoughts 
7. Di stored thoughts
8.  Sadist's thoughts 
Good thoughts are 
1.creative thoughts
2.Business Thoughts
3.sympathetic thoughts
4.Intelligent thoughts
5.Noble thoughts
One thing we  must know we act according to our thoughts.We decide our goals according to our thoughts.
If we want to live happily and have peace of mind first we have to improve our thoughts.our thoughts are the causes for our problems or difficulties; We have to understand our thoughts and analyse.Then we have to think always positively if them are any negative thoughts with us.Negative thoughts weaken mind and make  it restless.They disturb our mind and continuous imbalance is created and it leads to stress.The result is psychosomatic diseases.The flow of prana gets disturbed and the person is succumbed to bodily diseases.
Positive thinking or thoughts increase the pranic energy.The body will be in balance State.
Thoughts can travel.Whether it is positive or negative,good or bad,vibrations emanated from thoughts passes through the surrounding atmosphere and affect the people present there positively or negatively depending upon the nature of thoughts.Thoughts vibrations are now physical in nature.They are first register in the subconscious mind and later the impression is passed on the conscious mind.However the subconscious mind doesn't make any distinction between positive or negative thoughts.It will simply accept any thought and transmits it to the conscious mind.
Suppose you think good or bad about a relative or a friend,you are actually hitting him/her by your thoughts.The person,he/she feels that effect,depending upon the power of your thoughts.It is known to be telepathy.We influence the person by our thoughts.
Suppose a person is hit by negative thoughts of more than one person he feels as if hundred arrows are shot at him.But at the same time the thoughts of every body are positive he feels elevated.Definitely we can strengthen a good leader by our positive thoughts.
Telepathy has no time or space limits.Whether a person is near by or thousand kilometers away the matter makes no difference.The effect is same.Thoughts once made never die.It gets deposited on the surface of our subconscious mind.The thoughts may be good or bad and accordingly the subconscious mind's surface becomes clean or untidy.Impressions of these thoughts generate similar thoughts again and again.Considering this aspect,we are supposed to stick to positive thinking keep the minds pure.
Thoughts cannot be ignored.They are deposited in the subconscious mind and reflects on our personality.The personality is the results of total of all impressions settled in our subconscious mind.So every thoughts has its own effect on the other in due course of time resulting in disturbing the peace of mind. 
Remember,the subconscious mind is like a cellar floor.The floor consists lot of wastes.You will face the problem when you start cleaning the floor.
Control over thoughts means not to stop yoga can help.Then negative impression of our thoughts can be erased to a stage where the mind becomes pure.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

How to Control Emotions

Emotions are natural in human beings.When our needs or requirements are fulfilled we will be happy.But when our needs are not fulfilled  we are suppressed.Similarly when we face loss,criticism or when justice is not given to us we become anxious,we are feared.Few are hypersensitive and they become emotional which affects the body as well as the mind.The effects are.

1. Mental stress
You see a child.When it is fed with milk it expresses joy.Where as when it is hungry or suffering from a body pain it expresses anger,fear and becomes emotional. These.These are called primitive emotions.Emotions are excessive with 
1).persons who are kept away from their parents or family.
2).persons who are discarded by the parents or nearest and dearest.
3).person who alive alone.
4).persons who have been brought up luxuriously and if they have to face difficulties.
5).persons who defeats,losses often and are not given justice.
6).persons who live in dangerous situations or areas.
8).persons who live in cities .
9).persons who are  being exploited.
  Emotions hurt the mind.The mind will not be under one's control.People who are emotional shout and they may shiver .Some times people who have erred become emotional whenever others talk about it.
Tips:1.we have to live as per our capacity and facilities we have. We should limit our desires.We have to put a brake to the endless ambitions.
2.Negative thinking weakens the mind .So think always positively.Always say:I sincerely work.Let me do whatever possible.
3.Build up self confidence.Do not have inferiority complex.
4.Develop one or the other hobby like reading,writing,gardening,collections of antiques,social service etc.
5.Do Not live alone.Have friends,engage yourself in one or the others activity.

  Emotions interfere with our work.They prevent us from taking rational decisions,and should never be permitted to encroach upon our professional lives.Love,sadness,anger and fear are the predominant emotions in a human being.These are the basic emotions.The rest are derived from these.To be emotionally.Healthy you first need to know yourself.You need to examine your thoughts and feelings.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Meditation Can Control Mind
Meditation removes mental limitations.Mind is a bundle of thoughts.Moreover the mind is always attacked by thoughts and we become victim of thoughts.The Mind goes on using us.To bring the mind to our control few exercises are necessary.Meditation is one such exercise.When the mind is in conflict creates sorrow.Meditation is the art of letting o sorrow.Meditations is not silence.It is the art of being awake. We usually think silence means the absence of sound.Swami Sukhabodhananda says that silence is a presence filled with life.Silence is not a product of thought but a space from which thoughts exit.
As Gita says. "Some through t meditation behold the Atman in their self by their own self;others experience it through  the yoga of knowledge(JnanaYoga)and still others
through the yoga of action(karma yoga)."
In Meditation you shut off your mind from the outside world and turn it inwards.While you sit in meditation no external condition Dan disturb the balance of your mind.
Thoughts do come and go.There is little gap between thoughts.During the gap you observe silence.For mediation you have to sit in a quiet place.You cannot experience silence from a noisy place of state.Never get identified with thoughts.Let them come and go.
Now there is silence.Experience it.Be conscious of every inhalation turns into exhalation and vice versa.Experience stillness.In this state you can clearly see your will be absolute peace.Focus your mind and the power of God begins to reflect in the clear waters of your consciousness.
whenever a problem troubles you and you find no solution or no one to help you,find the solution.Definitely you find the solution.Meditation helps us discover the higher self.It is the art of opening one's being.We not from the lower self which discourages us.The ego never keeps the mind under control.Our suffering have come through our ego.Be meditative.It is a spiritual Method by which one can control the mind.Action alone is they province and not the fruits thereof.Seek not the fruits of actions nor should st than avoid action'says Gita,the voice of God.
Do your work,but selflessly.It leads to purity of mind.It is karma yoga.Don't do any work for personal gain.Render your service as a service to the community.This attitude itself is enough to purify the mind.Karma yoga is the yoga of deviation  Gnana yoga is the yoga of wisdom and dyana yoga is the yoga of meditation.
 According to bhakti yoga which advocates constant remembrance of God,through bhakti you will have a sort of link between you and God.The more you live in a state of God's consciousness,it goes on purifying your mind and thus mind gets strengthened.You have to feel the presence of God in every action.A devotee cleanses his mind in his companion.
Gyana yoga is related to knowledge of self and world.It may require certain level of intelligence .But you will come to know the mysteries of life and you will never fear or become anxious and thereby your mind is brought to control.
Tips:Have faith in God.Sorrows are not permanent.There is no role without a problems.
Exercise tolerance and patience.
Do not react immediately to insults or criticisms.

Avoid hurry,anxiety and desperation for worldly matters and sensual pleasures.Increase your will power.   

Positive Thinking

Positive  Think Can Control Your Mind
Avoid negative thoughts.Your life much depends on how you think.One should develop the habit of viewing everything positively.There is no greater joy than a healthy,positive life.Thoughts.The result of negative thoughts is endless sorrow.Negative thoughts weakens the minds,makes it restless and impure.We must know that our life is reflection of our thoughts,our future is dependent upon our present time and our thoughts.Positive thoughts enhances self confidence in us.By being self confident you can achieve the set goals of your life.Always fill up your brain with positive thoughts.
Brain + Positive thoughts =Extreme success.
Positive thoughts reaches us completely.
If you expect the worst.You will get the worst If you expect the best you will get the best.
A student facing an examination,if he thinks he would fail how can he write in the examination?If a business man thinks that he would not get profit can be succeed?Always think positively.Then your mind will be in a balanced state.
Say always 'I can'-Thinking positive always think positive always helps you.Positive thinking is the foundation of our life.
 If any body comments on you or make about him/her.Don't develop any malice against him/her.Just feel that his/her mood upset.This is a positive attitude.It keeps your mind calm.Also it benefits the person coming in your contact.By positive thoughts you can change the environment.You will be healty also.Maintaining the surroundings or environment one can improve one's mental health.If the environment is not clean,noislyand not free from impurities mind gets perturbed and health gets impaired.
Tips:Inhale fresh air.
Drink pure water or mineral water.
Keep the house or office premises clean.
Reduce noise levels.
Use paper instead of plastics or polythene.
Provide better ventilation and enough.
Sunlight in the dwelling place.

The mental health also depends on the way you to concentrate.Infact success is the result of pure concerntration.The power of concentration decides what  we are.Concentration means to learn to remain in the present moment.There are people who think either of future or remembers past.Their minds do not work in the present situation.It is because of lack of concerntration.So naturally the mind will not be under control.

Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise Control Mind Power
These days,people are used to aerobic exercises.These exercises demand rapid movements. By these exercises you can remove the tension of your museles.They release pockets of tension stored in the body and 'prana' flows uniformly,thus allows the mind to function better

Tratak:This enables to strenghen and center the mind.Usually tratak exercise is done using a burning candle.The candle is kept at a convenient distance say 3 feet.You have to gaze at the candle continuously with open eyes till tears start trickling down.You may gaze at a dot on a wall,a picture of your like instead a candle flame.
While you do tratak sit on a mat spread on the ground or on a chair.Let the spine,neck and head are kept straignt.Tratak is a good exercise for strengthening of eyes.It removes the impurities of eyes.Tratak is a yogic kriya (action).

jalneti,Kapalbhati,Dhauti are some of the other yogic kriyas that help to clean the impurities of the body thereby allow prana to flow freely.By observing silence also one can increase mental power.Usually people lose lot of energy during arguments,discussion and useless talks.Silence may not be possible.But one should decided to keep silent at least for some time in a day.The same time may be used to read or listen to some instrumental music.Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves'says a quotation.

By reciting 'Om' sound one can get relief from a disturbed mind.When you recite Om sound the vibrations generated by the sound will have powerful effect on the mind.Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly through the mouth making the sound 'O'.Let this sound be as loud and as lengthy as possible.Then close your lips making 'M' humming sound at the end.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Yoga Can Help Control Mind
yoga is missing body and mind.Yoga is a physical method.It should not be mistaken with physical exercise.For meditation yoga designates few stting or meditative postures.They are called Yogasanas.Besides sitting postures like, the popular Padmasana,Vajrasana,Sukhasana etc.there are other yogasana which when practised leads to quietness and of mind.Once you master yogasanas you can sit effortless for a long time and do certain works easily.

Pranayama is closely rated to mind.It is a technique of breathing.There are several ways of doing pranayama.Breathing play a vital role in relaxing the body as well as. Mind When your mind is perturbed your breathing is shallow,jerky and irregular.Where as when your mind is relaxed breathing is deep,slow and rhyth nice.Learn to control your breathing.Nadi shuddhi Pranayama is quite effective for reducing anxiety,tense and fear which disturbs the mind.

Do like this.Hold your right nostril and shut with the edge of your right thumb.Inhale through the left nostril counting form 1 to 10.Then hold your left nostril also with the index finger and hold your breath for a further count of ten.Release the thumb from the right nostril and exhale to a count of 20,keeping your index finger on the left nostril. Then start inhaling again through the right nostril,revering the sequence.This completes one round.Increase the rounds according to your capacity.Maintain the ratio of inhalation and exhalation time as 1:2 (Retention counts can be gradually increased).

Monday, October 21, 2013


Food is One Of The Part Of Mind Control Technique
In Order to live, we eat food that gives energy.So we eat to alive.But we should not live to eat.Our scriptures say" Enjoy the world but not let the world enjoy you.You may eat food but not let the food eat you."
Food is what we eat through our mouth.But whatever we inhale through our senses say feeling they also a sort of food.What we eat through the mouth supports our body.but the experiences we grasp through our senses shape our personality.What we see,hear,smell,touch all these give a shape to one's personality.

Gita say's "For him whose habits of eating and recreation are controlled and regulated who is balanced in sleep and working, and whose actions are.disciplined yoga becomes the destroyer of pain.
Thus food decides what we are.Food we eat can keep our minds quiet,positive and under control.Such food is known as satwik food.Yoga desirable three types of food,of rajasik and tamasik. Example for satwik food.Fruits and vegetables,milk,honey,dry fruits,lemon whole grain cereals etc.Rajasik foods stimulate the mind and make it restless.For example,tea,coffee cola drinks,salt(in excess),sugar,tobacco etc.They perturb the minds.At certain time the mind go out of control.
Tamasik foods make the mind dull an lazy.Eg.Meat,alcohol,fatty foods,canned food etc.In addition to the  type of food ,we should know when we should eat,what combination of foods we have to eat and what temperature we have to eat.Suppose you eat cold food it is not good for the system and is not digested.Similarly you should not eat too hot food.

Eating is not our business. Overeating is still bad. In fact we have to give holiday for eating.That is achieved by fasting atleast once in fifteen days.Our ancestors prescribed 'Ekadasari'the eleventh day in a fortnight as the day for fasting.Fasting removes the impurities of our body and allows the 'prana' to flow evenly.Also fasting prevents us from succumbing to the temptation of food.Ultimate results is we would be able to control our mind.For fasting,must have will power.
While eating,one has to chew the food thoroughly and should never push it down his gullet in gulps.Replace with fruits and vegetables,all eatables that are artificial and processed.Also cultivate the habit of eating only when you are really hungry.
Do your exercises regularly and go for your walk in the mornings or-and after evening meals.If you are so busy and have no time for long walks or exercises,walk not-so nearby places where you usually go by bus or two wheeler s.
Celibacy or restraint is one more important factor in the control of mind.Sex is a need like food.But it has limits.One need not be abstinent from sex for ever.Remember ,sex should be under control.Sex is just a tool in your hand for getting pleasure for a while.It is not bigger than you.Have judicious control of sex.This help to elevate your mind.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mind Control Techniques

Mind Control Techniques  
In Today's world we only see many people having highly scattered and turbulent mind.They have not been able to still their mind even for a moment.People are restless;living in tension  Life has become mechanical,formula based.Controlling mind is certainly difficult for them.Mind is perturbed.They will be in the office,but 
think about their family affairs.When they are in their residence,they worry about the office work.Think of a student.A student has to think always of his studies.He cannot ignore studies and always play in the field.

 we all know that our body and the mind are closely interlinked.So a simple solution for the problem is that if we control the body mind can automatically be controlled.
Concentration improves the strength of mind.

Students who study must develop concerntration.Whoever it may be,whatever activity they are engaged in,they should try to be totally absorbed in it,however small it may be.Arjuna was asked by this mentor Drona to shot an arrow at a a bird.While Arjuna was about to proceed,Drona asked him what are all the things he is observing .Arjuna said that he is only viewing the bird and nothing except bird is visible.Arjuna shot an arrow and the bird fell.That was the power of concentration of Arjuna.When the same test was given to Duryodhana,he said that he is able to see not only the bird,the teacher,all Pandavas and his brothers.He failed the shot the bird.That tells us,we have to work while we eat and sleep while we sleep.We have to derive the maximum benefits  from each activity we carryout.There is no use if we get unduly attached with various things.At the same time,we should detach ourselves from undesirable post.Infact we have to forget the unpleasant things happened early.Forgetting in the sense means we should not bring it before our conscious mind.They are not important also.We becomme wise if we do not remember.
Tips:see that the conscious mind is active.
The conscious mind should control the subconscius mind.
Avoid wasteful thinking and do some useful activities.
Let your thinking be planned.
Avoid day dreaming.

Follow Here Techniques: 
1.Food Control
2.Yoga can Help
3.Aerobic exercises
5.Positive Thinking 

Are You A Positive Thinker

Are You A Positive Thinker
You have the power to create your own happiness.You have to become a positive thinker.if you start your day with positive thoughts,you can spend the entire day joyously and happily.Thinking positively,but not with over ambitions,you can control your mind.A few questions are given below.Sincerely identify a,b or c.If your score is more number 'a' yes you are a negative thinker.If b is more your are slight better.However if c is more you are a good positive thinker.It appears then that you have the power to control your mind.

1.Usually I

a)Myself keep dissatisfied
b)keep Natural
c)am active and enthusiastic
2.In my life,I

a)don't have any ambitions or goals
b)have some demands
c)have specific goals 
3)Life,to me

a)is very much routine
b)is tolerable
c)is exciting
4.My life is

a)not under my control
b)little under my control
c)purely under my control
5.If you ask me

a)Life is a waste 
b)Life is Ok
c)I want to take birth again and would like to achieve something 
6.To me every day

a)is Just routine
b)is not that good
c)is something new
7.My Life

a)is boring.I have no Interest.
b)is mere eating-sleeping 
c)is cheerful,enjoyable
8.After retirement I

a)take full rest
b)spend time leisurely
c)complete works till pending 
9.Death,I fear

c)not,I am ready to die and face it whenever it comes
10.A regards goals in my life

a)I have not achieved any
b)I have achieved very little
c)I have achieved whatever planned

a)cannot discharge responsibilities
b)can somehow attend
c)am fully responsible
12.If I Want to achieve anything

a)I need support. Luck should favor
b)I have to work hard
c)I have to put efforts,continuously work

Mind And Soul

Mind And Soul

Are they different?No.Mind and soul are one and the same.Each term may be defined,but mind is not different from soul.Our body possesses soul.Mind is also a part of it.It cannot be separated. However mind has three levels which altogether give the mind unique identity.
What are they?
They are 1.Conscious mind 2.Sub conscious mind and 3.Super conscious mind. It is the conscious mind that thinks and analyses.The conscious superiority helps one to experience emotions or feelings.The conscious mind remains in contact with the external world. We act according to the conscious mind.In addition, the subconscious mind detects the conscious mind to be have in a manner to involve in certain types of action. Again, we know that we live in a society.There is always pressure from society.Both our actions and society expectation should match.For example,think about travelers travelling in a bus in the night.It is midnight.Each passenger would like to sleep.Suppose three or four passenger go on talking loudly.

Everybody is disturbed. So society expects all in the bus to be quiet.If the social expectations don't match the conscious mind gets disturbed. Subconscious mind is another level of mind that creates everything in your life based on the messages and information you send to it.Your messages to your subconscious minds are your thoughts,beliefs and actions.Emotions linked with our thoughts,words and actions are deposited in our subconscious mind which is also a store house of our memory.However,past conscious mind distributing the peace of mind.To day there are many psychological treatments by which the subconscious mind can be cleaned thus removing all sorts of fears,biases and doubts stored in it.

The subconscious mind acts as an impediment between the conscious and super conscious mind. This will not allow the conscious mind to understand the super conscious mind.Therefore it is very essential to purge all impurities of subconscious mind to enable conscious mind to perceive the super conscious  mind.The conscious mind when inwardly directed it would move towards the super conscious mind or the real self.To make it clear,it can be said,that the conscious mind should not be covered by impurities of subconscious mind.When the conscious mind is directed outwards,it would be in contact with the world.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Effects Of Uncontrolled Mind

Effects Of Uncontrolled Mind 
Dislikes,hatred,jealousy,revenge,anger,grief,fear are all nothing but the results of an uncontrolled mind.People who inculcate such habits are unable to face life or world as it really is.The uncontrolled mind jumps,cries and fears.It is a disturbed mind.It is frustrated depressed and ultimately the mind fails to provide peace and happiness.
Where as a controlled mind makes a person totally transformed and keeps him peaceful and cheerful.Any impediment cannot hurt him.The rewards of conquers mind are worth.

Many people do not know that the mind is different from brain.They think are same.You see, the brains is only like a link that connects the mind and the body.The brain is an instrument of the mind.The brain cannot think or feel.But the mind can think and feel and even imagine.It is the mind which sees,hears,smells etc and it is through the mechanism of the brain.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Control Your Mind

Control Your Brain 
Those who control their minds can achieve anything . People are sick because of their minds,not because of their bodies.If your mind is calm then only the medicines you take work. If your mind is calm and cool,you will be healthy even if you eat well prepared food you will not enjoy.Your health depends upon how you think and how you feel. Clean mind delivers the power. when you master your mind, you master your life. Stanley Judd once said:You may be dead broke and that's a reality,but in spirit you may be brimming over with optimism,joy and energy.The reality of life may result from many outside factors,none of which you can control.your attitudes however reflect the ways in which you evaluate what is happening."One who faces problems of all sorts and all kinds,be it emotional,financial or otherwise,but his determination and power of attitude(mind)helps him. Attitude has either made a person extremely successful or it has destroyed a person completely. me tell you a story.Three brick layers were working at a new building site.A visitor walks over ti the first bricklayer and asks what are you doing? The workers replies "i'm laying bricks."The visitors then asks the same question to the second worker.He says,' i am building a wall."Finally the visitor asks this question to the third worker,who says "i am building a hospital for the sick people,so that they can come here and get cured."

Now you evaluate the three responses,the difference naturally is in their attitudes.So how we think shows thorught in how we act.Mind thinks.Mind and body are very closely interlinked. What mind thinks the body acts mind and body influence each other.
why people differ from each other?The reason is the ability to control the mind differs from person to person.An uncontrolled mind cannot keep quiet even for a minute or even a second. The speed of thought is so high.

Mind Its Nature

Mind Its Nature 

One who can read the mind before it is spoken is a gem to the world.If one can,with out doubt,guess what is in the mind of others he is equivalent to the gods.

our body,if it is treated as a vehicle,mind is the engine.Our mind is a power station.It generates energy.Even if we can use only 5 percent of it we can achieve what we desire.It is mind that helps us to achieve success in our day to day practical life.The mind only leads our life.our mind can generate both happiness and sorrow.Many people have felt that energy means physical or body energy.But energy is not mere physical energy.Actually,energy means 99 percent mind and only one percent our physical energy. We produce energy through our mind.Mind is the most powerful thing in the world.One who has made his mind his slave can control anything in the world.Mind employed is mind enjoyed.All our pains are due to uncontrolled mind.Mind is always unsteady,fickle or shaky.A clever man controls it and becomes its master.The ability to control mind differs from person to person.
.A Yogi can conquer his mind That's why he is always peaceful and cheerful 

The mind is like a bag of mustard seeds. If you spill those seeds on the floor it is hard to pick them up again.Your concentration must be like a vacuum cleaner,drawing those scattered seed thoughts together  again.

The messenger of God,has said is quite important:He whose mind is unruffled by sorrows,who thirsts not for pleasures,who is free from passion,fear and wroth-such a one is a man of secure understanding.
Serenity,kindness,silence,self control and purity these constitute the austerity of the mind. The meaning here is that the mind should be calm,patient.Of course it is difficult to control mind.The mind is the route cause for all happenings.If our mind is alright,our speech,action will be alright.Mind should be peaceful.There should not be any turbulence or tumult.It should be like a lake without waves.It should blossom like a flower. When a flower blossoms there would be a fragrance.The observe silence Which means speak less. If you speak unnecessarily you would be wasting your mental energy.So,control your mind. The mind always thinks about several things-It is not free. We do as our mind thinks. Bad deeds are due to the fickleness of the mind.The mind should always think of good work.The mind should be firm.Control Your Mind

 We are born human.There are doualities in everybody's life.As there is pleasure, there is pain also. A merchant experiences a loss also in addition to profit.In both the cases one has to control mind.treating alike victory and defeat,gain and loss,pleasure and pain,get ready to fight? Seeing dualities as same is only possible for few.That too,for lucky persons.Rest do all exercise, but do not achieve.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Treasure House Within You

The Treasure House Within You
You have infinite riches within your reach,To gain them,all you have to do is open your mental eyes and behold the treasure house of infinity with in . There is a storehouse within you from which you can extract everything you need to live life gloriously joyously, and abundantly.Many people are closed off  to their own potential because they do not know about this storehouse of infinite intelligence and boundless love within themselves.Whatever you want,you can draw it forth. A magnetized piece of iron will lift about twelve times its own weight.But if you demagnetize this same piece of iron, it will not lift even a feather.
In the same way,there are two types of people. Those who are magnetized are full of confidence and faith. They know they are born to succeed and to win.
Others, so many others, are demagnetized. They are full of fears and doubts.When an opportunity  comes,they say,"what if i fail?I might lose my money.People will laugh at me."People of this sort will not get very far in life. Their fear to go forward makes them simply stay where they are.You can become a magnetized person when you discover and put to use the master secrete of the ages.
The master secret of the ages-----
Suppose someone asked you to name the master secret of the ages. what would you answer? Atomic energy? Interplanetary travel?Black holes?No, it is not any of these. then what is this master secret?
Where can one find it? How can it be understood and put into action?
The answer is extraordinarily simple. This secret is the marvelous,miracle-working power found in your own subconscious mind. This is the last most people would look for it,which is the reason so few ever find it.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

10 simple steps increase brain power

10 simple steps increase brain power
Mind power 007 is tells you  how to reach your successes . 10 simple steps to increase brain power
The Greatest Power is the Power of our Subconscious Mind. Once we understand this and learn to use the power within us, we can create wonderful changes in our life. We can achieve many goals.
How can we access this power of our Subconscious? Is there a Key? Yes. The Alpha Level of our mind is the key. This level can be reached through meditation.
How often do you think about your brain? Do you ever stop to marvel at it’s incredible power and supreme cleverness? Or at least check in and give it a little spring clean and a re-furb from time to time?

If you’re like the majority of the population, then your answer will be “no”.

Astoundingly, we only use a mere 10% of our brains, yet seldom do we ever think to invest in a little training every now and then. For a long time, scientists believed that we were stuck with the brain we were born with! Luckily for us, that hypothesis has gone out the window!

Enter n euro plasticity – a new theory that has proven one very incredible fact Our brains can change

This means that if you’re not very intelligent in one area – that’s OK! You have the option to literally ‘change that area of your brain’ through a little training.

An easy way to think about it is like this:

Your brain is a muscle. You need to exercise it regularly.

The exciting thing is that you don’t have to be a millionaire to increase your brain capacity. All you need to do is invest a little time to regularly train your brain.

So what can you do?

Here are 10 simple ways you can increase your brain power and improve your intelligence!

1.DO some thing new:

When you experience something ‘new’ you actually ‘stimulate’ your brain! Don’t get stuck in a rut doing the same old things – the only way to change the structure of your brain is to do something new. This creates new neural pathways, increasing your intelligence. You could take a new route to work, try a new recipe for dinner, or even a new form of exercise – mix it up!

2. Exercise regularly:

It’s been proven that regular exercise helps to increase brain function and enhances . This means that every time you exercise you are creating new brain cells! Get off the couch and get moving! Your brain will thank you for it !

3. Train your memory:

How often do you hear people say “I wish I had a better memory!’ Yet no-one does anything about this! If you discipline yourself to memorise phone numbers and other important numbers (passport, credit card, insurance, driving license) you will start to see a marked improvement in your memory .

4. Be curious:

Gone are the days of map reading! Sat Nav may have made our lives easier, it has also made our brains lazier and less efficient at the same time! Go back to the old school and use a map to navigate every now and then Instead of taking everything at face value, get into the habit of questioning everyday things/products, services that you come into contact with. By being ‘curious’ and questioning everything, you force your brain to innovate & create new ideas. Curiosity may have killed that cat, more importantly it created super important things like electricity and computers! 

5. Think positive:

Stress & anxiety kill existing brain neurons and also stop new neurons from being created. Research has shown that positive thinking, especially in the future tense, speeds up the creation of cells and dramatically reduces stress & anxiety. Try and get a handle on negative thoughts and make an effort to replace them with positive ones.

6. Eat healthy:

Our diets have a HUGE impact on brain function. Our brains consume over 20% of all nutrients & oxygen that we consume – so remember to feed your brain with the good stuff! (i.e. fresh fruit and veg & plenty of omega 3 oils found in oily fish)

7. Read a book:

Reading relieves tension & stress (brain-cell killers) because it’s a form of escapism. Research has also shown that using your imagination is a great way to train your brain because you force your mind to ‘picture’ what you are imagining. Reading is a great way to trigger your imagination! 

8. Get enough sleep:

sleep is like a mini detox for the brain. This is when your body regenerates cells and removes all the toxins that have built up during the day. Get to bed between the hours of 9pm and midnight to benefit from the most effective hours of sleep!

9. Ditch the GPS:

Gone are the days of map reading! Sat Nav may have made our lives easier, it has also made our brains lazier and less efficient at the same time! Go back to the old school and use a map to navigate every now and then (this exercises the part of your brain responsible for understanding spatial relationship

10. Ban the calculator:

Remember back at school when we were taught to use our brains to do simple sums like times tables?! It’s incredible how we now rely on devices like smart-phones and laptops to calculate really simple equations. Resist the urge to work things out using an external device – and use the device you were born with – your brain!

The Sleeping Technique

When you enter into a sleepy,drowsy state,effort is reduced to a minimum. The conscious mind is submerged to a great extent when in a sleepy state. The reason for this is that the highest degree of out cropping of the subconscious occurs just prior to sleep and just after we awaken. In this state the negative thoughts,which tend to neutralize your desire and so prevent acceptance by your subconscious mind, are no longer present.
  Suppose you want to get rid of a destructive habit.Assume  a comfortable posture,relax your body,and be still.Get into a sleepy state ,and in that sleepy state,say quietly,over and over as a lullaby,"I am completely free from this habit; harmony and peace of mind reign supreme."Repeat these words slowly,quietly,and lovingly for repeat the negative habit,repeat this formula out loud to yourself. By this means you induce the subconscious to accept the idea, and a healing follows.In the Bible, Paul recommends that we make known our requests with praise and thanksgiving . Some extraordinary results close to the creative forces of the universe,causing countless blessings to flow toward it by the law of reciprocal relationship,based on a cosmic law  of action and reaction. Recently a young mother told me of her experience with this technique. She said,"I was out of work and broke, with three small children to feed and clothe. I didn't know where to run.Then I heard you explain  that we should be thankful even before our prayers are answered.It was if a light had gone on in my mind.I knew I had to try it."Every night and morning for about three weeks,this woman repeated the words,"thank you mother, for my wealth."She did this in a relaxed, peaceful manner and continued until the feeling or mood of thankfulness dominated her mind. She imagined she was addressing the infinite power and intelligence within,though she knew, of course, that she could not literally see the creative intelligence or infinite mind. She was seeing with the inner eye of spiritual perception,realization that  her thought-image of wealth was the first cause, relative to the money,position, and food she needed.Her thought-felling was the substance of wealth, untrammeled by antecedent conditions of any kind.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sudoku Game

Play SUDOKU Game Here

Enter your guess between 1 and 10:

Play and improve your brain power

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