Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Sleeping Technique

When you enter into a sleepy,drowsy state,effort is reduced to a minimum. The conscious mind is submerged to a great extent when in a sleepy state. The reason for this is that the highest degree of out cropping of the subconscious occurs just prior to sleep and just after we awaken. In this state the negative thoughts,which tend to neutralize your desire and so prevent acceptance by your subconscious mind, are no longer present.
  Suppose you want to get rid of a destructive habit.Assume  a comfortable posture,relax your body,and be still.Get into a sleepy state ,and in that sleepy state,say quietly,over and over as a lullaby,"I am completely free from this habit; harmony and peace of mind reign supreme."Repeat these words slowly,quietly,and lovingly for repeat the negative habit,repeat this formula out loud to yourself. By this means you induce the subconscious to accept the idea, and a healing follows.In the Bible, Paul recommends that we make known our requests with praise and thanksgiving . Some extraordinary results close to the creative forces of the universe,causing countless blessings to flow toward it by the law of reciprocal relationship,based on a cosmic law  of action and reaction. Recently a young mother told me of her experience with this technique. She said,"I was out of work and broke, with three small children to feed and clothe. I didn't know where to run.Then I heard you explain  that we should be thankful even before our prayers are answered.It was if a light had gone on in my mind.I knew I had to try it."Every night and morning for about three weeks,this woman repeated the words,"thank you mother, for my wealth."She did this in a relaxed, peaceful manner and continued until the feeling or mood of thankfulness dominated her mind. She imagined she was addressing the infinite power and intelligence within,though she knew, of course, that she could not literally see the creative intelligence or infinite mind. She was seeing with the inner eye of spiritual perception,realization that  her thought-image of wealth was the first cause, relative to the money,position, and food she needed.Her thought-felling was the substance of wealth, untrammeled by antecedent conditions of any kind.


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