Monday, December 16, 2013


Positive Thoughts and Negative Thoughts
If we Think positive good things happen to us.So change your attitude if it is negative.This is what usually the leaders of positive mental attitude movement say.
It is true also.We may feel that whatever we think are right.Thoughts are not Ordinary things. Thoughts are things endowed with bodies,breath and wings.They are invisible in nature,but their action forceful.Thoughts can travel miles together.One has to understand the nature of thoughts and their effects.Unless we think,we cannot do a work good or bad.There is a saying think before you think.Before we write something we think and write Moreover one has to think and do.
Thoughts have direct relation with the mind. In fact the source of thought is  mind only.Thoughts are basically classified as 
1.Positive Thoughts and 
2.Negative Thoughts 
Before we understand the effects of thoughts let us know What are positive and negative thoughts.Basically,they have been discussed earlier.
We cannot decidedly say that we have always Positive thoughts.Even people like Mahatma Gandhi was telling that he would be getting bad thoughts and is trying to control them,Our efficiency lies in controlling bad thoughts.
Generally we can say all good thoughts are positive thoughts and all bad thoughts are negative thoughts.
Further the bad thoughts can be listed as below 
1.Jealous thoughts
2. In secured Thoughts 
3.Envying thoughts 
4.Poisonous thoughts
5.Confused Thoughts
6.Sexual thoughts 
7. Di stored thoughts
8.  Sadist's thoughts 
Good thoughts are 
1.creative thoughts
2.Business Thoughts
3.sympathetic thoughts
4.Intelligent thoughts
5.Noble thoughts
One thing we  must know we act according to our thoughts.We decide our goals according to our thoughts.
If we want to live happily and have peace of mind first we have to improve our thoughts.our thoughts are the causes for our problems or difficulties; We have to understand our thoughts and analyse.Then we have to think always positively if them are any negative thoughts with us.Negative thoughts weaken mind and make  it restless.They disturb our mind and continuous imbalance is created and it leads to stress.The result is psychosomatic diseases.The flow of prana gets disturbed and the person is succumbed to bodily diseases.
Positive thinking or thoughts increase the pranic energy.The body will be in balance State.
Thoughts can travel.Whether it is positive or negative,good or bad,vibrations emanated from thoughts passes through the surrounding atmosphere and affect the people present there positively or negatively depending upon the nature of thoughts.Thoughts vibrations are now physical in nature.They are first register in the subconscious mind and later the impression is passed on the conscious mind.However the subconscious mind doesn't make any distinction between positive or negative thoughts.It will simply accept any thought and transmits it to the conscious mind.
Suppose you think good or bad about a relative or a friend,you are actually hitting him/her by your thoughts.The person,he/she feels that effect,depending upon the power of your thoughts.It is known to be telepathy.We influence the person by our thoughts.
Suppose a person is hit by negative thoughts of more than one person he feels as if hundred arrows are shot at him.But at the same time the thoughts of every body are positive he feels elevated.Definitely we can strengthen a good leader by our positive thoughts.
Telepathy has no time or space limits.Whether a person is near by or thousand kilometers away the matter makes no difference.The effect is same.Thoughts once made never die.It gets deposited on the surface of our subconscious mind.The thoughts may be good or bad and accordingly the subconscious mind's surface becomes clean or untidy.Impressions of these thoughts generate similar thoughts again and again.Considering this aspect,we are supposed to stick to positive thinking keep the minds pure.
Thoughts cannot be ignored.They are deposited in the subconscious mind and reflects on our personality.The personality is the results of total of all impressions settled in our subconscious mind.So every thoughts has its own effect on the other in due course of time resulting in disturbing the peace of mind. 
Remember,the subconscious mind is like a cellar floor.The floor consists lot of wastes.You will face the problem when you start cleaning the floor.
Control over thoughts means not to stop yoga can help.Then negative impression of our thoughts can be erased to a stage where the mind becomes pure.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

How to Control Emotions

Emotions are natural in human beings.When our needs or requirements are fulfilled we will be happy.But when our needs are not fulfilled  we are suppressed.Similarly when we face loss,criticism or when justice is not given to us we become anxious,we are feared.Few are hypersensitive and they become emotional which affects the body as well as the mind.The effects are.

1. Mental stress
You see a child.When it is fed with milk it expresses joy.Where as when it is hungry or suffering from a body pain it expresses anger,fear and becomes emotional. These.These are called primitive emotions.Emotions are excessive with 
1).persons who are kept away from their parents or family.
2).persons who are discarded by the parents or nearest and dearest.
3).person who alive alone.
4).persons who have been brought up luxuriously and if they have to face difficulties.
5).persons who defeats,losses often and are not given justice.
6).persons who live in dangerous situations or areas.
8).persons who live in cities .
9).persons who are  being exploited.
  Emotions hurt the mind.The mind will not be under one's control.People who are emotional shout and they may shiver .Some times people who have erred become emotional whenever others talk about it.
Tips:1.we have to live as per our capacity and facilities we have. We should limit our desires.We have to put a brake to the endless ambitions.
2.Negative thinking weakens the mind .So think always positively.Always say:I sincerely work.Let me do whatever possible.
3.Build up self confidence.Do not have inferiority complex.
4.Develop one or the other hobby like reading,writing,gardening,collections of antiques,social service etc.
5.Do Not live alone.Have friends,engage yourself in one or the others activity.

  Emotions interfere with our work.They prevent us from taking rational decisions,and should never be permitted to encroach upon our professional lives.Love,sadness,anger and fear are the predominant emotions in a human being.These are the basic emotions.The rest are derived from these.To be emotionally.Healthy you first need to know yourself.You need to examine your thoughts and feelings.

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